10 Facts You Didn't Know About Golf Courses

Golf facts | DTE Golf

Golf courses are more than just beautiful landscapes with well-manicured greens and fairways. There are many fascinating facts about golf courses that most people don't know about. In this article, we'll explore 10 facts about golf courses you definitely didn't know about.

1- Florida has the most golf courses in the world

There are over 1,100 golf courses in Florida that offer an extensive range of golfing experiences. What's more impressive is the number of rounds played on these courses annually. With a figure of nearly 48 million rounds played every year, Florida is undoubtedly a golfing paradise.

Of the 48 million rounds played annually, 33% are played by out-of-state visitors who come from far and wide to enjoy. The majority of rounds, which account for 54%, are played by local residents who take advantage of the excellent golf courses that Florida has to offer right on their doorstep.

2- Golf was banned three times

Golf was banned not once, but three times between 1457 and 1744. The Scottish government believed that golf interfered with military training, which was a serious concern at the time. As a result, the sport was prohibited to ensure that soldiers didn't waste their time playing golf instead of preparing for war.

In the early days of golf, players were known to play publicly, often on streets or business properties. This practice was frowned upon by the authorities and was seen as a nuisance. Interestingly, golf was not the only sport to be banned during this time. 

The Scottish government also prohibited football, or soccer as it is known in some countries, for the same reasons. The sport was thought to detract from military training and was thus prohibited to ensure that soldiers remained focused on their training.

3- The chances of scoring a hole-in-one are 1 out of 12,500

In fact, there's a 12,500 to 1 chance that a typical golfer will make a hole-in-one. The reason for this is simple: the width of the hole is incredibly small, making it a difficult target to hit. Even professional golfers, who have spent countless hours perfecting their skills, can go their entire career without making a hole-in-one.

4- Tiger Woods got his first hole-in-one at age 8 and won 81 PGA titles

Tiger Woods is undoubtedly one of the most accomplished golfers in history, having won an impressive 81 PGA tournaments to date. He regularly practiced and honed his skills, which led to some impressive achievements at a young age.

In fact, Woods showed an interest in golf when he was just six months old. His father, a former professional baseball player, started teaching him how to play golf when he was only two years old.  For instance, he made his first hole-in-one when he was only eight years old. 

5- Phil Mickelson, a natural right-hander, plays golf left-handed

If you're a fan of golf, you may already know that Phil Mickelson is a left-handed golfer. However, what you may not know is that he's actually a natural righty. As a child, Mickelson learned to play golf by mimicking his father's swing, who was a right-handed golfer. Consequently, he learned to swing left-handed, and that became his natural swing. Interestingly, 

Mickelson's left-handed swing has served him well, and he has become one of the most successful golfers in history. It's not uncommon for golfers to switch from one hand to another, but it's rare for someone to become so successful as a left-handed golfer when they're naturally right-handed. Mickelson's story is a testament to the power of practice, dedication, and hard work. 

6- The term 'Birdie' in golf was coined by accident

Golf is a sport with a long history, and there are numerous interesting golf facts and stories associated with it. One of these interesting facts is the origin of the term "birdie." This term is commonly used in golf to describe a hole score that is one stroke under par. The term "birdie" was first used in 1889 by a golfer named Ab Smith. It's interesting to note that the term "birdie" was coined accidentally and not by design.

7- Golf was played on the moon

Golf has always been a sport that has captivated people all over the world. In 1971, Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. became the first person to hit a golf ball on the moon. Shepard, who was an astronaut on the Apollo 14 mission, brought a 6-iron with him on the mission and used it to hit two golf balls while on the moon's surface. This fact is something that all golfers can be proud of, as it highlights the unique nature of the sport and the passion that people have for it.

8- Golfers once used sand mounds before the invention of golf tees

Golf has a rich history, and the way players approach the game has evolved over time. Before the introduction of golf tees, golfers had to be resourceful in how they teed off. They would use sand to form a small hill upon which they would place their ball before taking their shot.

The invention of golf tees in the 1920s revolutionized the game, making it more accessible and easier to play. With tees, golfers no longer had to spend time shaping mounds of sand and could instead focus on their swing. Tees have become an integral part of the game and have gone through many advancements in design and materials over the years. 

9- The first golf balls were built of feathers, which were later replaced with wood

To make a feather-filled golf ball, manufacturers would take a leather pouch and fill it with wet feathers. The feathers were then wrapped around the leather, and the ball was left to dry. This was a time-consuming process and not always reliable, as the feathers could shift during the drying process and create an uneven ball.

While the feather-filled golf ball was popular for many years, there's little concrete evidence to suggest that golf balls were ever made of wood. Some people have theorized that wooden golf balls were used before the adoption of the feather-filled ball, but there's no definitive proof to support this idea.

10- Modern-day golf was invented in Scotland and has left a global legacy

In 1457, Scotland was where the modern game of golf first appeared. While the earliest forms of golf were played publicly, the people of Scotland began creating dedicated golf courses and clubs. The popularity of golf quickly spread throughout Scotland, and it wasn't long before the sport made its way to other parts of the world. Today, golf remains one of the most popular sports in the world, with millions of players and fans across the globe.


Golf courses are full of hidden facts and surprises that most people aren't aware of. From the history of the game to the design of the courses themselves, there is so much to learn about golf courses beyond the game of golf. Hopefully, these 10 facts have given you a new appreciation for the fascinating world of golf courses. 

Reach out to our team of experts at Down To Earth for year-round golf course management services. Contact us now to ensure that your golf courses are properly maintained.






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